The Navy Sends a Message to Russia

Acknowledgements to the Wall Street Journal
Article by Tamer El-Ghobashy
June 8, 2016

The Go Navy Go website was inspired by my September 2009 visit to the USS Harry S. Truman through the U.S. Navy’s Leaders to Sea program. This experience forever deepened my respect and admiration for the people in the military, and in particular the Navy. From observing its organization, I also learned so much that I will apply in my own life and business.

Since my visit, the Truman has been on numerous missions to protect our country. Most recently, it was deployed to the Persian Gulf to support our air campaign against ISIS and other foes in Syria and Iraq. A little over half of the U.S. air sorties have launched off the Truman.

Earlier this month, the Navy moved the Truman from the Gulf to the Mediterranean. This positioning of the 20-story, 500-person carrier with a 4.5-acre flight deck is intended to send a message to NATO and to the Russians that we’re able to react to any situation that develops. It also positions the Navy to make strikes in Libya should that become necessary.

The original article on this appeared in the Wall Street Journal, but can be viewed at this London Times link.

Posted in News.